This is not furniture for the meek. Spanning three generations, the Joyner family has worked, lived, and played on Broughton Street, in Savannah, Georgia. In 2000, Ruel Joyner put his thumbprint on the family business designing and curating originally designed furnishings and objects from all over the globe. Over the years, he and his wife Delaine, molded 24e Design into an open creative space where people can be inspired by designs and take part in an experience that is travelled.

24e Design Co has been honored with internationally recognized awards over the years, including the Arts Award for #1 Single Location Retailer in the Nation.  We are inspired by the work we do for prestigious and discerning clients.


Walking into 24e Design Co you are meant to feel inspired by travel yet rooted in tradition. The furniture is worldly yet welcoming. The aesthetic tells historic stories yet makes bold statements. Being a fixture of downtown Savannah for generations takes a steady combination of adaptation and innovation. 24e Design is you concierge for cool. Visit our flagship location on Broughton Street and see why some call us the coolest store in Savannah. CONTACT US AT (912)4461601