If you've been in the store in the past two weeks then you've probably seen these awesome ceramic pieces. These bowls, platters, and vases are all scattered around the store. The level of detail on these is absolutely amazing, and the care he has put into crafting each one is undeniable.
From Shayne's Site:
Shayne Greco was born and raised in New Jersey, but spends his adult life on the southern end of the east coast. His artistic endeavors were supported by his mother and honed by his teachers.
“I was encouraged as a youth to express creativity through many diverse mediums. From paper mach'e fish while summering on the east coast to pastel drawings of the winter sunrise over the Colorado mountains, I was blessed to be exposed to so many different forms of artistic expression."
Shayne attended the Savannah College of Art and Design but insists his greatest inspirations were his high school art teachers who let him experiment freely.
“They really let me do whatever I felt I needed to do for art projects. It was the most explosive learning period in my life. My projects ranged from mixed paintings of sliced up canvas to massive outdoor ceramic sawdust firings (which were a disaster by the way!)”
Shayne resides in Wilmington NC after moving from Savannah GA.
“I have always appreciated the uniqueness of the coast from the way the sun reflects bright pastel colors to the unusual animal life that surround the beaches. Much of my work in ceramics reflects the distinctive attributes of the ocean."
"I love combining functionality with sculpture. Whether it be at a dining room table with a group of dinner guests or on a coffee table holding fresh fruit, My art is designed to make a statement. They are conversation starters as well as great salad bowls!"